Met a doctor the other day in Rutshuru. Her name is Shelly and she's working at Rutshuru Hospital, which MSF operates in conjunction with the Ministry of Health. I caught Shelly reading on her Kindle, and I wondered to myself if it was the only Kindle in the country ...
Jeff Bezos, if you're reading this, can you provide any Amazon e-book sales data for the Democratic Republic of Congo? And FYI, Shelly told me that in exchange for a few hundred dollars in book credits, she's willing to serve as a “See a Kindle in Your City” representative in Rutshuru.
I'd like a Kindle too. But donating to MSF would be a better use of my money. I can get real books cheaply at "Friends of the Library" book sales and other charity supporting resale shops. These don't need batteries or electricity either, just light by which to read. Here in Texas, the State Department of Education is considering using e-readers to replace textbooks in schools because it would be less expensive. Will they stand up to the physical abuse of elementary, middle and high school students? Will they be sold for quick cash?